SmartRyde is a private transfer service provider offering ground transportation in Japan and around the world. As the sole UX/UI designer in this project, I led the redesign of the website aimed to improve the user experience of the booking workflow.
UX/UI Design
Jul 2021 - Sep 2021
Figma, Zeplin
View prototype
visual design display
The challenge

As a private transfer service provider in the rising mobility industry, SmartRyde is expanding their business outside of Japan. However, they are facing the challenge that the user experience of their booking website is not optimal. SmartRyde needs a visual refresh and UX improvements to enhance the booking workflow and bring more new customers to the business.

Project goals
Improve airport transfer booking flow
  • Simplify the airport transfer booking flow, enabling customers to book easily and seamlessly.
  • Increase the flexibility of the transition between booking flows.
Introduce new service offerings
  • Add the ability for customers to book hourly rides.
  • Provide the option for customers to book “Experiences”.
Visual refresh
  • Improve visual hierarchy and the user interface.
  • Modernisation of the design and aligning colour palette with branding.
Increase conversion rate
  • Bring more customers and bookings.
Conducting UX audit
To evaluate the current booking website from a user experience perspective, and to measure if it met usability and accessibility requirements, I conducted UX audit. Reviewing SmartRyde's current airport transfer booking website helped me identify previously issues within the product’s design and I experienced a few frictions when interacting with the site. I was able to found the opportunity for improvement throughout the site auditing.
ux audit
ux audit
ux audit
ux audit
Competitive analysis
Followed by the UX audit of SmartRyde's current booking website, I conducted competitive analysis to identify and evaluate the key usability strengths and weaknesses of SmartRyde competitors. I studied the airport transfer user flow of both direct and indirect competitors of SmartRyde in the market. The exploration of what competitors do well and what can be improved provided me with important learnings of how other players in the market shape their search and booking experience, which could be applied to SmartRyde booking website redesign. The direct and indirect competitors I analysed include:
mozio logo
booking.com logo
jayride logo
expedia logo
klook logo
traveloka logo
Click here to check out the full competitive analysis.
The first version of the homepage I came up with was a frameless form. When discussing with developers, we found out that the form style was not practical enough when it came to responsive design. To make sure the form was user-friendly and also fully responsive to adapt to different breakpoints, I changed the design of the form into the second version.
Version 1: homepage
homepage version 1
Version 2: homepage
homepage version 2
Search result
To allow users to quickly find the result they look for, I structured the search results in an organized and easy-to-read layout. I also placed the search bar at the top of the search result page so that users could easily modify search conditions without going back to the previous step.
Search results for airport transfer
search result
Search results for experience
experience search result
One-page checkout
The new booking process for Airport Transfer, Hourly Ride and Experience was reduced to 3 steps. A one-page secure checkout form was created to reduce the number of clicks to complete payment, resulting in a faster and easier checkout process. The style of the checkout forms for different features was unified to make sure the booking experience across SmartRyde booking website was consistent.
Checkout page for airport transfer
checkout page
Checkout page for experience
checkout page